LUXX in business

In our complex working world, LUXX helps us to focus on the motivations and emotions that are really relevant for success.

LUXX in business

The LUXX tools help managers to learn motivating, individual leadership and to generate sustainable performance satisfaction.

LUXX enables teams to work together in an appreciative manner and to distribute tasks and roles optimally in order to achieve the best performance.

Conflicts can be understood, discussed and resolved appropriately on an emotional level with LUXX.

LUXX helps to find and retain the right employees in personnel selection and potential analysis.

Find out how LUXX helps people to progress and become more effective in coaching through self-reflection and gaining knowledge.
Experience how LUXX helps you to successfully shape transformations in change management.

Use the LUXXprofile and the LUXX Personality Toolset for your future success in the following areas:


Team development

Management training

Change management

Conflict moderation

Personnel selection


Our coaching toolset


LUXX offers something particularly valuable in coaching: it makes individual emotions and motives – the “why?” behind actions – visible, understandable and comprehensible. The motivation profile makes it possible to discuss a person’s emotional values and attitudes as well as their behavior.

The LUXX expert can link the motivation profile with the coachee’s current situation right from the first meeting and identify the causes of stress, dissatisfaction or existing issues. The “why?” becomes clear and sustainable solutions can be developed.


LUXX shows where the starting points for change lie in order to improve the situation and achieve greater success and satisfaction. It reveals the emotional resources that can be used for this.

The LUXX tools offer additional added value in coaching, e.g. through the focus evaluation of leadership, the emotional self-perception and perception of others or the in-depth evaluation of significant emotions.

We answer questions such as:

Why is the current situation so stressful for me?

Why are certain things so important to me, why can't I just let go?

How do others perceive me? How does what I do affect them?

How do I find my way into my new leadership role?

How can I successfully fulfill my management tasks?

Why is working with certain colleagues stressful?

How do I motivate my team, my colleagues?

What can I do specifically to cope better with the requirements?


Our LUXX toolset for team development

Colorful and diverse teams are the most successful in many situations. On the other hand, different personalities often lead to communicative misunderstandings and tensions within the team.

LUXX helps to recognize the added value of each individual for the team and to use it for joint success. It shows who in the team needs what in order to be effective and promotes cooperation based on respect and appreciation.

The team evaluation from the LUXX Personality Toolset provides a quick overview of emotional similarities and differences in the team. The team focus evaluation provides in-depth insights and behavioral recommendations for everyday life.

LUXX therefore offers an optimum working basis for team development.

Offer team development with LUXX:

Getting to know emotional similarities and differences in the team.

Avoidance of emotionally induced wrong decisions.

What is our image within the company and with customers?

Optimally adapted to team members.

Finding the optimum balance between “we” and “I”.

Recognizing the added value in differences and developing mutual respect.

Achieve reliable coverage of interests for sustainable agreements.

Designing efficient teamwork.

Finding successful solutions to problems.


Our toolset for management development.

With the LUXX Personality Toolset, managers can effectively reflect on their leadership motivation and their emotionally preferred leadership behavior. They recognize opportunities and learning areas and understand why it is important for the leadership task to specifically expand certain behavioural skills.

LUXX shows the 32 effective emotional “payments” for the individual motivation and leadership of employees. The focus evaluations for leadership and employee motivation offer in-depth insights and additional benefits.

Qualifications for managers with LUXX answer important questions such as:

What really motivates my employees and the team?

Who needs which approach and framework conditions for motivation and success?

How do my employees work best together as a team?

Who is happy to take on which roles and tasks?

How do I lead change?

Who needs recognition and who needs criticism in order to learn and improve?

How do I develop the individual team members correctly?

How do I communicate with whom?

How do you make your leadership training effective with the LUXX Personality Toolset?

How do you design your management development with several modules with LUXX?


Our toolset for change management.

Change processes are part of everyday life in companies today. For different people, they mean either individual advantages and benefits or loss and threats.

The latter often lead to resistance and jeopardize overall success. LUXX uses the change management focus evaluation to show who needs what in the change process in order to win them over to the changes and how emotional threats and losses can be avoided.

LUXX shows you the right communication strategy in your team or company to reach as many employees as possible in a positive way.

The Motivation Survey enables a motivation analysis for entire companies or company divisions (from 200 participants).

With LUXX, decision-makers gain a clear picture of the do’s and don’ts in employee management and communication in the change process.

We answer questions such as:

Who drives change, who slows it down?

What do we need to consider in our communication strategy during the change process?

How can we increase the emotional benefits and reduce losses?

Who is happy to take on which tasks in Change?

How do I design the optimal distribution of roles in the change process?

What kind of communication and motivation is useful and effective for vulnerable employees?


Our LUXX toolset for conflict management.

Misunderstandings and conflicts are often unavoidable in collaboration, but they are also expensive. They divert resources and attention away from the actual tasks. Conflicts in management always have a negative impact on the entire company.

LUXX helps to recognize the emotional causes of misunderstandings, which often lie in opposing motives.

With the LUXX Couple Analysis or Team Analysis, these differences become immediately visible to certified LUXX Experts. They can be easily communicated to the conflict partners. The “Relationships” focus analysis creates the basis for better mutual understanding. Sustainable conflict resolution can begin.

We facilitate conflict resolution at

Recognizing the benefits of diversity.

Self-reflection and openness to others.

By understanding and covering interests.

Discuss emotional differences objectively.

We answer
questions such as:

Why doesn't the other person understand how it is "right"?

How can I make the other person understand what I really care about and what I want?

Why does the other person do things that harm me?

Why does the other person's behavior hurt me so much?

What can I do to stop feeling so attacked?

Why do new, old conflicts keep arising despite the agreements made?


Our toolset in personnel selection.

When making internal and external recruitment decisions, the aim is to have the right employee in the right place. This means the employee who is ideally suited to the task, the team and the manager and who identifies with their tasks and the company in the long term.

You can use LUXX to create your motive-based requirements profile. It allows you to compare your profile with the applicant profiles in order to avoid wrong decisions and increase the fit. The result is a long and good working relationship.

In the potential analysis, LUXX shows who has which motivational prerequisites for different target positions.

We answer questions such as:

Which personality fits in well with our management and corporate culture?

What motivation does an employee need to enjoy their work?

What motivations are missing in the team (and need to be supplemented) in order to fulfill all performance requirements as a team?

Which career path, which target position is best for whom?

Would you like to use LUXX in your business?

Get in touch with us.
We look forward to exchanging ideas with you.

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