The 16

The benefits of motives

Motives are of evolutionary importance. They have a meaning for life and, above all, for people living and working together. The bipolar nature of motives means that there will always be someone who finds it easy to master a task or challenge and have fun at the same time. Good if we know who it is. Do you already know your profile?

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Describes for what purpose and with what goal and what kind of knowledge and reflection are important for people. Gaining knowledge or application orientation.


Describes by whom a person’s positive self-image is built up. From themselves or from feedback from other people.


Describes how important it is for a person to make or implement decisions.


Describes how important it is for a person to have public, elite or egalitarian standing.


Describes the emotion with which a person views their possessions, with the emotion of “having and getting” or with the emotion of “using and consuming”.


Describes how a person forms relationships. With a focus on emotional independence or with a focus on emotional connection and closeness.


Describes how important it is for a person to maintain physical proximity and verbal exchange with other people or to be alone.


Describes the importance and effect of principles in a person’s life. Strict guide in life or means to an end.


Answers the question, who does a person help, strangers and society or their own people?


Describes how important structure and planning are to a person or how important spontaneity and flexibility are to them in life.


Describes the importance of security in a person’s life. Opportunity orientation or risk avoidance.


Describes the significance for a person of compensating for experienced or suspected injustice.


Describes how important it is for a person to physically exert themselves or actively relax.


Describes the importance of food in a person’s life. Pleasure or food intake.


Describes how a person shapes their relationship with the people they call their own family. Based on partnership or caring.


Describes the importance of sensuality and sexuality in a person’s life.

The importance of the 16 life motives.

Each of the 16 distinct life motives has a bipolar content within the same scale. You can receive your LUXXprofile in the version with all 16 motifs or in the version with 15 motifs - without the SINNLICHKEIT motif and for young people aged 16 and over in the version with 14 motifs - without SINNLICHKEIT and FAMILY.


What is the LUXXprofile?

The LUXXprofile is the most modern, scientifically validated personality test currently available on the market worldwide. LUXX describes personality on the basis of 16 explicit motives. These 16 motives form the core of our personality.

People differ in how and in which direction the individual motives are expressed. The LUXXprofile displays the individual characteristics in gray, blue and red according to the result value in the individual motives.

For all motives, all levels of expression determine behavior and personality. They describe the emotional significance of the motives that characterize a person’s feelings, thoughts and actions.

At all levels, a person can experience ease and happiness in their actions or stress and frustration.

Get to know your LUXXprofile!


LUXX is value-free and non-judgmental

The LUXXprofile does not evaluate

Each type of motivation offers people something special that they can contribute to relationships, their work or society in general.

This applies to the red, blue and neutral characteristics. While a red or blue characteristic gives people the potential to develop a special passion, exceptional performance and strong commitment to what is behind the respective motive characteristic, the neutral characteristic enables a less emotionally predetermined perspective.

It allows us to view things neutrally and to look at the most diverse motifs within the same motif with more generosity and understanding.

When we say that the LUXX profile is value-free and non-judgmental, we mean precisely this potential that every person can draw from their individual motivational characteristics.

The uniqueness of a person results from the combination of their motives in their individual motivation profile.

What a person makes of the potential offered by their motivation profile is influenced by environmental factors such as upbringing, education, cultural and social influences as well as significant experiences in their life.


simply better

What makes the LUXXprofile special

LUXX offers self-knowledge and self-reflection on a very differentiated level. The 16 life motives, which each person has in individual forms, unconsciously control all of our perceptions, our thoughts, feelings and, last but not least, our decisions and behavior.

The LUXXprofile gives everyone the opportunity for a new self-image and understanding, respect and esteem for others.

LUXX has no “types” and therefore no simplistic typologies. LUXX describes people with their very own individuality using 16 clearly defined motives in 5 levels. In this way, LUXX maps 152,587,890,625 personalities. Get to know your motivation profile.


Quality & safety in the use of the LUXX

LUXX was developed at the University of Luxembourg in a research project between 2016 and 2017. The LUXX tools are continuously developed by us and are subject to our fundamental ethical principles.

They are constantly being expanded in order to offer our customers and experts the best opportunities. Our experts also have access to a supervision and further training program.


Your personal LUXX motivation profile

Would you like to get to know your motivation profile and benefit yourself, your career and your relationships? One of our experts will create and discuss your profile with you in an atmosphere of trust.

Only a well-trained LUXX Expert can do what text modules and avatars can never do: To work out your profile with all its combinations and their significance for your life and the interplay with your life situation and your experiences.

Together you will then discuss how you can continue to work with the LUXX Personality Toolset and how you can use it for yourself.

Our experts come as coaches, trainers or consultants from the fields of business, sport or private life coaching and therapeutic work. They all have in-depth training in the use of the LUXXprofile and the LUXX tools.

Your personal LUXXprofile

Find the LUXX Expert who best meets your performance requirements and your consulting needs and is a perfect fit for you, your situation and your organization. Our LUXX experts will accompany you personally throughout the entire process.

3 steps to a profile


Find the right LUXX Expert, get in touch and receive the online link to the questionnaire


Fill out the LUXX questionnaire online (approx. 20 min)


Conduct an evaluation meeting with your expert

Would you like to create your personal LUXXprofile or become a LUXX Expert?

Get in touch with us.
We look forward to seeing you!

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