Get to know your personal motivators with LUXX and use them to achieve your best performance. Put coach-athlete communication on the road to success.
In sport, LUXX offers effective approaches for self-motivation and for success-oriented control in training and competition.
LUXX helps coaches to develop communication and motivation measures that are individually tailored to the athletes to ensure a performance-enhancing approach and avoid unwanted frustration.
The focus evaluation for competitive sport provides coaches and athletes with important impulses and supports targeted motivation for top performance.
Effective for individual and team sports in all performance classes up to professional sport.
The extensive successes of the LUXX-Sport experts prove its effectiveness.
With over 20 years of experience, LUXX Sports dispels prejudices and clichés, such as the often overestimated importance of “competitive toughness”.
“In my work as a sports psychologist with a volleyball Champions League team, LUXX has been with me for several years now. I use it to talk to the team about the diversity of personalities, promote self-reflection and strengthen mutual understanding and respect. The motivational structure analysis is also very valuable for trainers to find the right approach and to understand and, if necessary, adapt personal preferences in communication. An enrichment for everyone.”
It doesn’t matter whether I’m in daily team training, doing individual technique training, working on my fitness in the strength room or taking care of my mental strength or personal development.
In addition to the expertise of the trainer, fitness instructor or psychologist, sound data always plays an important role.
Luxx Profile provides this data for my personal motivational structure and allows me to understand why I am the way I am. My approach to a wide range of challenges, both in sport and in my professional and private life, has become much clearer for me since then.
Understanding and goal-oriented communication and cooperation is much easier to achieve, especially when the people in my team and those around me also know their motivational structure.
As the national coach of the juniors in the German Judo Federation, the LUXX profiles gave me a tool for the first time that I could use to directly control communication with my athletes and their motivation in training and competitions. I was able to avoid many misunderstandings and work much more effectively because I was able to respond to the athletes more individually and precisely with LUXX. The results of the two identical twins who were in my team were particularly impressive. Their LUXX Profile results were just as consistent as their physical characteristics! I was also impressed that my athletes accepted their LUXX Profile results for themselves in such large numbers and therefore understood me better as their coach.
In addition to the loups® team diagnosis, which we use to examine the dynamics within the team and the team’s development during the preparation phase and over the course of the season, the LUXX profiles of all athletes and the entire coaching staff, which we create as part of the pre-season preparation, provide an excellent basis for the acceptance of one’s own personality as well as an appreciation of the different personalities in the team. “One size fits all” does not work in modern coaching in team sports.
The joint discussion of motivation and behavior creates a basis of trust between the players that the team can fall back on at any time during critical phases of the season.
It doesn’t matter whether I’m in daily team training, doing individual technique training, working on my fitness in the strength room or taking care of my mental strength or personal development.
In addition to the expertise of the trainer, fitness instructor or psychologist, sound data always plays an important role.
Luxx Profile provides this data for my personal motivational structure and allows me to understand why I am the way I am. My approach to a wide range of challenges, both in sport and in my professional and private life, has become much clearer for me since then.
Understanding and goal-oriented communication and cooperation is much easier to achieve, especially when the people in my team and those around me also know their motivational structure.
Get in touch with us. We look forward to exchanging ideas and answering all your questions.