LUXX Studies

Analyzing and understanding motivation in large groups

Analyzing and understanding motivation in large groups

What motivates people in specific professional and interest groups? What can we do in the company to increase motivation, satisfaction and loyalty? What motives actually drive purchasing decisions?

LUXX Studies

The LUXX Personality Toolset offers more than individual motivation profiles. With the short version of the LUXXprofile, the “Motivation Survey”, we offer you a scientific view of emotions. The “Motivation Survey” is the diagnostic tool for studies and surveys on fundamental motives, values and goals of people in large groups.

The Motivation Survey provides insights and benefits for:

Social & scientific issues

Organizational & human resources issues

Product and marketing issues

The study results make the behaviour and attitudes of people in organizations, social groups and professions visible and comprehensible.

What can you use the
Motivation Survey for?


The benefits for HR management in personnel & organizational development

Improvement of employee satisfaction, leadership & commitment, reduction of fluctuation

Stress analyses

Increasing employer branding

Preparation & support for change processes

Motivational surveys of large groups of employees or people in specific professions


The benefits for sales & marketing

Capturing emotional purchasing decisions

Achieving an effective interplay of marketing & emotional customer needs

Targeted emotional customer approach congruent in marketing and sales


The benefits for social issues

Surveys on work & life satisfaction

Significant motivations of entire teams, groups & professions

Answers to social issues & phenomena

Studies on scientific and socio-political issues as well as empirical surveys of all kinds relating to the topics of personality and motivation

Use the Motivation Survey for your studies to identify the motivations and interests of people in specific groups

Exemplary studies with the Motivation Survey:

… in operative functional nursing at a university trauma clinic.

To the study

… as a basis for employee retention and development .

… obtaining clear statements about the common values ​​of football professionals and what makes the difference in various success factors.

About the study

… the motivation structure of consultants in IT and IT-related consulting to improve recruiting.

… what values and motives unite employees? Gaining insights into the acquisition and retention of employees in global development work in an ideological company.

To the study

… what motives make the enjoyment of good wine an emotionally valuable experience for people and influence their purchasing behavior?

To the study

… what motives and values do people in emergency medicine share? Why do they stay in this profession and when do they leave it again?

To the study

… the different motivations of vaccination supporters and opponents during the corona pandemic.

To the study

Quality & science

The Motivation Survey is a scientifically validated measuring instrument for recording people's explicit motives. It is a further development of the LUXXprofile, which was developed at the University of Luxembourg by the team of Prof. Dr. Samuel Greiff, Faculty of Educational Assessment and Psychology, in 2016/2017. The Motivation Survey was developed by Prof. Dr. C. Kemper.

The Motivation Survey is based on the 16 motive constructs of the LUXXprofile.

With the development of the Motivation Survey, we have created an instrument that can be used anonymously, especially for large groups of 200 participants or more, and that produces valid and reliable results.

Individual profiles are not intended and not possible with the Motivation Survey.

The 16 explicit motives are recorded using 48 specially developed items.

The motives are clearly defined and can be freely selected according to the study objective.

Additional questions can be defined according to the study objective.

Number of participants at least 200.

Study participants need approx. 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire, depending on the scope of the survey.

Together with you, we will discuss the study objective and the structure of your study.

Once the desired number of participants has been reached, you will receive the aggregated results and the interpretation of the central results from us for further processing and use.

Are you interested in using the Motivation Survey?

Get in touch with us. We look forward to exchange ideas and answer all your questions.

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