Our LUXX Personality Toolset

The special added value
for our LUXX Experts & you

The tools we provide our certified LUXX Experts with for successful collaboration with you offer unique added value.

They offer in-depth insights for specific questions and solutions in concrete fields of application.
Experts can use our specific analyses, our topic-specific focus evaluations and our training support for their own success and that of their clients.

The LUXX Personality Toolset illustrates the differences in quality compared to other instruments particularly clearly.


What is special about our LUXX Personality Toolset?

With the LUXX Personality Toolset, we offer more than just a gain in knowledge and an understanding of what makes people tick. With the LUXX Toolset, we offer concrete instruments for specific fields of application and questions and thus solutions for everyday professional and private life. The toolset is the toolbox for trainers, coaches, consultants and anyone who works with people and really wants to move them forward.

The specific analyses help to quickly identify synergies and challenges in cooperation or coexistence and to make them transparent and discussable.


Pair analysis

It compares the profiles of two people and makes it clear at a glance in which motives there are emotional similarities and in which there are emotional differences. It is suitable for relationships of all kinds, for life partnerships as well as for working relationships, e.g. in management or for coaches and athletes.


Team analysis

The team analysis enables teams of different sizes, 3 to XXX, to make the emotional similarities and emotional differences visible and discussable. Teams can use it to recognize:

Where do we have potential blind spots due to our emotional similarities?

Where do we have areas for misunderstandings or potential conflicts due to our emotional differences?

What is our external image, how are we perceived as a team, as a management group, as management, as a coaching staff?

How do we distribute tasks and roles in the team so that they can be fulfilled optimally and with ease?

What motivations are missing in our team and limiting our performance?


focus evaluations...

… are an important and exclusive part of the LUXX Personality Toolset, which are available to every LUXX Expert and every customer.

LUXX experts are enthusiastic about the enormous additional benefits they can generate for their customers from the focus evaluations with just one click.

The focus evaluations offer the coachees a thematically focused, in-depth reflection of their personality in the respective field of action for their specific questions. This gives them a more comprehensive understanding of the “why” of their actions and the actions of other people in the given context. The particular benefit lies in the expanded options for alternative approaches to action.

For LUXX Experts, this also provides a wonderful opportunity for customer enthusiasm and customer loyalty.

All texts are protected by copyright. Author: Uta Rohrschneider and Peter Boltersdorf, LUXX United GmbH

Our current focus evaluations are also available in English.


Focus evaluation Leadership

Analyzes individual leadership behavior and leadership motivation based on all motives of the individual LUXXprofile.


Focus evaluation team

Analyzes the preferred actions in the team and the motivation to contribute to the team based on all motives of the individual LUXXprofile.


Focus evaluation Employee motivation

Analyzes the measures and communication for motivation that an employee needs in order to contribute to his or her tasks with enthusiasm based on all the motives of the individual LUXXprofile.


Focus evaluation change management

Analyzes the prerequisites that an employee needs to identify with change and innovation and to actively support them based on all the motives of the individual LUXXprofile.


Focus evaluation Relationships

Describes individual emotional perceptions and describes one’s own actions in relationships. It also conveys the experience of people with opposite characteristics based on all the motives of the individual LUXXprofile.

It enables a better understanding of each other as well as respect and appreciation in relationships and makes the emotional background of conflicts discussable and resolvable in an amazing way.


Focus evaluation competitive sport (team sport)

Describes the motivation and communication of people in team sports, whether coach or athlete, based on all the motives of the individual LUXXprofile. It helps to optimize cooperation in training and competition.

In-depth analysis

Describes the emotions & beliefs associated with the significant motives

Emotional perceptions of self & others

Describes how people with opposing motives perceive each other and what they think about each other. It is about everyday and subjective perception and opinion-forming, not a scientific representation.

Knowing about this everyday, unreflected (often automated) perception helps to understand what a person’s actions and thoughts can trigger in others, what they think about them and why they may react unexpectedly emotionally to them.

Motif combinations

A working aid for certified LUXX Experts. It describes the interplay of motives within a complete profile. This can involve mutual reinforcement of motives, but also emotional conflicts between the needs of different motives. The significance of the existing motive combinations for the experience of the respective person is analyzed.

Further tools
& special evaluations

Would you like to find out more about the LUXX Personality Toolset?

Get in touch with us. We look forward to exchanging ideas and answering all your questions.

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