Development of a strong employer brand that radiates internally and externally.
As headquarters are distant from the urban centers, the mid-size technology leader faces problems attracting engineers and software developers.
Development of a strong employer brand that radiates internally and externally.
As headquarters are distant from the urban centers, the mid-size technology leader faces problems attracting engineers and software developers.
A meaningful corporate culture connected to a recruitment process that respects the cultural fit.
Applicants receive their personal LUXXprofile inclusive of the assessment discussion during the application process. On this basis, the company assures optimal fit of the corporate and the candidate’s values from the start.
”I was especially impressed by the unrestrained results. First and foremost it was about me, learning something about myself, completely independent of my decision for or against the company as my future employer. This convinced me that I would find an environment for my optimum development.”
A career that matches the individual expectations and fosters strong engagement for the company.
The company is able to recruit more high potentials than before. They are also retained longer as they identify with the company. Due to the cultural fit, they are motivated to give their best. Meaningful employment means something else for each young recruit. For the company the signal is key: We respect the differences of our employees and we use the potential for both sides.