The LUXXprofile can be applied in many different contexts. Learn more about the projects, in which LUXX has been applied.
How does the LUXXprofile perform in projects?
Team development
“In the past I thought I had to manage the team. Now they basically manage themselves.“
After the reorganization the team analyses brought new drive into our team. The various team analyses made team dynamics and barriers transparent.
Change Management
“LUXXprofile enabled us to find a common language”.
Discovering the reasons for inefficiency and underperformance enabled us to successfully introduce cultural change. As a result, we achieved a 10% higher employee satisfaction and 5% lower sick leave rate. Learn how to build a basis for common understanding in your changing organization.
“Recruitment on the basis of LUXXprofile ideally matches our meaningful company culture.”
A mid-sized ‘hidden champion’ emphasizes management trainee advancement already during recruitment. The company identified a corporate goal that was based on existing corporate values. – Convince your future employees of your authentic values.